He has acted as counselor in transactional and dispute work (claims, arbitration, expert determination, conciliation, dispute boards), in projects related to transmission lines, substations, highways, trains, industrial plants, power plants, railways and airports, among many others, including the New International Mexico City Airport and the Mexico-Toluca train, considered the two most important public construction projects in Mexico in the last years.
He has served as co-chair of the International Construction Projects Committee (ICP) of the IBA; Chair of the Construction Disputes Committee of ICC México; Member of the Steering Committee of the ABA Forum on Construction Law and Founding Chair of the Public Procurement Committee of the Mexican Bar Association.
He is currently the President of the Mexican Society of Construction Law.
He has acted as consulting editor of the books: “Construction and Infrastructure Disputes: a global handbook”, “International Public Procurement: A guide to best practice”, and “Anticorruption Laws and Regulations: A global Handbook”, all of them with Globe Law and Business in London, England. (www.globelawandbusiness.com)
He is appointed frequently as Dispute Adjudicator (Sole Dispute Board or Dispute Board Member) in connection with projects with international contracts such as FIDIC and NEC, having experience in El Salvador, Honduras and Peru in diverse kind of projects (transportation and Sport facilities). He coordinated the Book: “Dispute Boards in Latin America: experiences and Challenges” (available at https://www.comad.com.mx/pdf/solucion_controversias/201406dsiputeboardsexperoenciasyretos.pdf)
He is a frequent speaker in national and international conferences for national and international organizations.
WhosWhoLegal Construction 2018 considers him as an international Thought Leader and the Most Highly regarded individual in Mexico in the legal construction industry, and describes him as: “…the foremost construction and real estate lawyer in the country. His superb practice spans both the administrative and regulatory aspects of construction law, areas in which he is considered a real expert”.
He was proposed and admitted as a Fellow of the American College of Construction Lawyers in 2018.