Ricardo is a founding and managing partner Barreiro. Olivia. De Luca, Jaca. Nicastro. Abogados. He heads the Infrastructure and Construction Group and co-heads the Natural Resources and Energy Group.
He has over eighteen years’ experience in infrastructure and construction law, with a particular focus on oil and gas, mining and energy sectors. He advised local and multinational corporations in large-scale project.
Ricardo advises vendors and contractors on the drafting and negotiation of construction contracts for a wide range of projects, particularly on the oil and gas, mining and energy sectors. He has experience working with owners, sponsors, funders, vendors and contractors. He works with the main standard contract formats and with customized contracts.
He has extensive experience in assisting clients on dispute resolution and prevention, including litigation, arbitration, and mediation. He also provides counseling on project and risk management.
Ricardo also has extensive experience in matters related to mining and oil and gas, especially in regulatory, title and environmental risk issues. He has negotiated and written, as well as advised clients on matters related to, financing, commercial agreements (associative and joint operations agreements, options, purchase and sale of blocks, concessions, exploration permits, royalties and guarantees, and other agreements related to said sectors.
He advises on aspects related to the generation of electric power, particularly in the renewable energy sector, including the procurement of permits and licenses, the assurance of opportunities and projects (private and governmental), leases, land usufruct and purchase, energy supply agreements and other commercial agreements, associative and construction contracts, which allows him to deal with the challenges of a commercial and regulatory environment that is constantly evolving at a national level.
He acted as special advisor to the Government of the City of Buenos Aires in connection with the writing and enforcement of a new local act on public-private partnerships.
- Founding member and president of the Argentine Society on Construction Law (SADEC, as per its initials in English)
- Vice-Chair of the International Construction Projects Committee, the International Bar Association
- Past co-chair of the Project Execution Subcommittee, International Construction Projects Committee, International Bar Association
- Leading Construction Lawyer- Argentina- Who’s Who Legal
- Leading Mining Lawyer- Argentina- Who’s Who Legal
- Honorary Secretary of the English-Speaking Union of Argentina
- He participated as speaker and moderator in various conferences and has made presentations on his areas of expertise in Argentina, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States, Ireland, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and the United Kingdom.
- 2004 The English-Speaking Union Scholar- International Relations Programme; Oriel College, Oxford
- Spanish
- English
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- French